2nd International Conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste 9-11 April 2019


Modern2020 2nd International Conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste

The objective is twofold:

(i) to invite experts to contribute to and participate in discussions on monitoring strategies, on monitoring technologies, on how monitoring can assist dialogue with regulatory agencies, and how monitoring can contribute to confidence building in relation to the geological disposal of radioactive waste; and

(ii) present and discuss the results of Modern2020 project.

Main topics of the Conference

The conference focuses on monitoring activities to support evaluations of the performance of natural and engineered barriers in a disposal facility as a tool to building confidence in the long term post-closure safety case. The overall understanding of monitoring and its potential role in the disposal process will be presented and discussed in the light of expected monitoring needs, associated technical requirements, and the current state of the art regarding monitoring technologies and their future potential uses.  Abstracts are invited on the following topics:

– Monitoring technologies
– Post closure safety and monitoring strategies
– Long-term integrated monitoring
– Decision-making and response plans
– Citizen stakeholder participation

Further information can be found using the following link:  http://www.modern2020.eu/final-conference/home.html