

Theramin Summer School June 2019

GSL is leading two work packages (WP2 and WP5) within the EURATOM Collaborative Project “Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and hazard reduction (THERAMIN)”, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Euratom research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 755480. A summer school, hosted by the CEA at Marcoule in June …


2nd International Conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste

Matt White and Sally Scourfield attended the 2nd International Repository Monitoring Conference at the Cité University of Paris on Tuesday 9 April to Thursday 11 April.  Matt was a member of the organising committee, and gave presentations on the selection of monitoring strategies and parameters, and on the use of monitoring results in decision making.  During the meeting, …


Galson Science staff buy a cow and a nanny goat!

  A total of £220 was donated by Galson Sciences staff in lieu of buying Christmas cards for each other.  This sum was matched by the company, giving a total of £440, which was used to buy a cow, a nanny goat, a pair of pigs and two chickens in addition to fruit tree saplings/seeds, …


2nd International Conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste 9-11 April 2019

Modern2020 2nd International Conference on Monitoring in Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste The objective is twofold: (i) to invite experts to contribute to and participate in discussions on monitoring strategies, on monitoring technologies, on how monitoring can assist dialogue with regulatory agencies, and how monitoring can contribute to confidence building in relation to the geological disposal …


IGD-TP Exchange Forum 8 – December 2018

The IGD-TP’s eighth Exchange Forum (EF8) was a great success with over 140 attendees from 21 different countries.  Our host, BMWi, provided a superb venue and welcoming environment that facilitated an excellent array of presentations and a great deal of discussion and networking.  A brief summary of the scope, objectives and outcomes of EF8, along …


18/09/18 Mustafa Sajih presents poster at the 13th International Symposium on Nuclear and Environmental Radiochemical Analysis, Cambridge, 2018

Mustafa Sajih, a Consultant at Galson Sciences Limited, presented a poster at the 13th International Symposium on Nuclear and Environmental Radiochemical Analysis held in Cambridge in September 2018. The subject matter was ‘Achieving the End State of a Nuclear Licensed Site’ and a brief synopsis can be found below: End State (ES) refers to the …


New Consultants

GSL has welcomed several new consultants to the company over recent months including Mustafa Sajih, Chris Herbert, Mike Pleass, and Jeremy Green.  Mustafa has eight years’ research experience in environmental behaviour of radionuclides gained through his PhD and postdoctoral work at the Centre for Radiochemistry Research, University of Manchester;  Chris has recently gained his PhD …


GSL Involvement in EC Project THERAMIN

Several GSL consultants are involved in the ongoing EC project THERAMIN, which is looking at the availability and suitability of various thermal treatment technologies for treating radioactive waste. GSL are leading two of the project work packages: Work Package 2 (led by Steve Wickham), in which a strategic review of radioactive waste streams and thermal …

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