EURADSCIENCE’s first position paper


EURADSCIENCE is a new international network of research entities established to drive scientific excellence on radioactive waste management from cradle to grave, in support of implementation of national projects over the coming years and decades.  EURADSCIENCE’s vision is ‘to maintain a holistic view of relevant scientific disciplines, to provide scientific excellence to advance the progress of national radioactive waste management programmes, and to assure the scientific credibility and by this contribute to societal acceptability of waste management concepts’.

Galson Sciences Ltd (GSL) is a founder member of EURADSCIENCE, and is represented on the Executive Committee by Dr Daniel Galson and Dr Jenny Kent.  EURADSCIENCE’s first Position paper – jointly authored by the Executive Committee – can be found here:  Eurad position paper

EURADSCIENCE has a central role in two major European Union projects:

GSL has a significant role in both of these projects.